Media Feature Pack for Windows 7 N
I have a Windows 7 64bit installation. It is not a normal Windows 7. It is Windows 7 N. Look at the N. When I installed a Movie Maker software and try to load it. There is an error said:...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I have a Windows 7 64bit installation. It is not a normal Windows 7. It is Windows 7 N. Look at the N. When I installed a Movie Maker software and try to load it. There is an error said:...
There is a Wind Storm in BC in two days. So many power outages in low mainland area. Even my house has about 10 minutes power outage. All unsaved documents are lost. I am also afraid that some Windows System...
Here is a list of the software I got upgrade. Microsoft Windows 7 Chrome: v 35.0.1916.153 m Firefox: v 30.0 Filezilla: v 3.8.1
The error ‘Failed to register the DLLs required by the program.‘ is displayed when running Webstyle just after I install it on my Windows 7 64bit The program is installed default in C:\Program Files (x86)\Xara\Webstyle 4\ I googled the error...
Every time Windows 7 is started it asks you to select the username and enter the password to access your system, there is no doubt that it is a very important security measure, but what if you are the only...
Microsoft release Jan., 2014 update as scheduled on Jan 15, 2014. There are four important updates for my Windows 7 64bit.
Microsoft release IE 11 few days ago for Windows 7. It is already available for Windows 8.1 in Oct. 2013. Here is the requirement to install IE 11 on Win7 Processor PC with a 1 gigahertz (GHz) 32-bit (x86) or...
Windows Update in August 2013 on my Windows 7 64bit. Threr are three critical updates. All must-see. Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2862772) Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2850869) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server...
It is time to update Windows. Here is the list of Windows Update 2013 July on my Windows 7 64bit. There are six security updates Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2861561) Vulnerabilities in Windows...
I checked Event Viewer, and found the error below: The CIR Receiver service failed to start due to the following error: The service cannot be started, either because it is disabled or because it has no enabled devices associated with...
Microsoft monthly Security updates of Feb. 2013 released today. There are five critical updates Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2792100) Vulnerability in Vector Markup Language Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2797052) Vulnerability in Media Decompression Could Allow Remote Code...
My desktop motherboard has a new BIOS released. Current one is E7786AMS v1.6; the new one is v1.7, which fixed some USB problem. So as my habit, I like to keep things updated. I downloaded the BIOS zip file from...
Say, there is a ASUS Laptop, which is shipped with Windows Vista. Now the user want to change it to Windows 7. Here is the tips to upgrade it. 1) Backup up the user files to a safe place. Maybe...
Microsoft monthly Security updates of Nov. 2012 released today. My Windows 7 box received update for Win7 x64 KB2763523, Update for Office 2010 64bit edition, and Security update for Windows 7, for .Net framework, etc.
Microsoft monthly Security updates released today. Only one critical update Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2742319) Six important updates Vulnerability in Microsoft Works Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2754670) Vulnerability in HTML Sanitization Component Could Allow...