GNOME 2.22
I use Ubuntu 8.04. It is shipped with GNOME Desktop. Gnome 2.22 now. You may want to read its release notes.
Tech geek. Life geek.
I use Ubuntu 8.04. It is shipped with GNOME Desktop. Gnome 2.22 now. You may want to read its release notes.
I have a Home Server at home. It should have following functions: Printer server; Fire sharing server; AMP server, including Apache, MySQL, PHP for testing purpose; P2P client to download something for fun with web interface; Backup server, to backup...
aMule is a replacement of eMule on Linux. My request is to running aMule on Ubuntu server without monitor. I have to use web interface to control it. SSH to Ubuntu server. Runing following command to install amule-common and amule-daemon
During last two nights, I tried Ubuntu 8.04 server on my old computer. Ubuntu 8.04 Long Term Support (LTS) Server Edition The computer which I installed server on is used as my main desktop before. It has AMD CPU and...
I saw the official site said, new Ubuntu will release in 6 days. I am already waiting for months. Can we upgrade it now? DaNmarner said it is time to upgrade now.
Ubuntu 8.04 will release in 22 days. I have a Ubuntu 7.10 installed on my desktop. Before I can upgrade to the new version. Let’s go through the new features from 8.04. Xorg 7.3 The latest Xorg, Xorg 7.3, is...
I have some USB flash disks. I’d like to make it a bootable with Ubuntu 7.10. Let me show you how to do it. 1. Grab the Ubuntu 7.10 ISO and burn it to a CD 2. Insert the CD...
I have a Ubuntu installation on one of my desktop. I am not a expert of Linux, but I like the spirit of Linux. Free and Open. I alway get the tips, referrence, howtos from these top 10 Ubuntu Blogs....
After a long waiting, the Ubuntu 7.10 released today, Oct. 18, 2007. All downloading mirror sites are busy. Some one is too busy to be connected. I will try my best to download it tonight and install it tomorrow, if...
Today I post a new comparison of Windows Vista and Ubuntu 7.04, and the applications running on them. It is an updated post if you saw my post on October 20, 2005. I removed some applications on windows, and replaced...
As shown on picture, the Ubuntu 7.04 CDs are mailed to my home now. I made the order on April 18, 2007. It took about 1 month to process and mail it out.
I have a Ubuntu 7.04 server here with following server. Apache2 and PHP 5 The PHP info show as below: I still want to install Zend Optimizer. So I go to Zend’s official server, get the link of the latest...
Last week, I tried to install Virtualmin on my Ubuntu 7.04 server. After installed it. I have a handy tool to add, modify or delete a website with ftp account, email account and MySQL database. Let me show you the...
I just upgrade my Ubuntu Server 6.10 to Ubuntu server 7.04. Let me show you which server software I have now with version. OS: Ubuntu 6.10 > 7.04 Control Panel: Webmin 1.320 > 1.340 DNS server: Bind 9.32 > 9.34...
I did it. The ispconfig is installed on my Ubuntu 6.10 successfully yesterday. I met some problems when I tried in last few days. 0) Download ISPConfig 2.2.11 Log in to shell as root. Unpack the ISPConfig-archive