About IPv6
This is a list of the terms I want to put up to study here. HE.net Hurricane Electric Internet Services Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and is considered the largest IPv6 backbone in the world...
Tech geek. Life geek.
This is a list of the terms I want to put up to study here. HE.net Hurricane Electric Internet Services Hurricane Electric operates its own global IPv4 and IPv6 network and is considered the largest IPv6 backbone in the world...
When reading the insurance policy, there are many terms about valuation. Actual Cash Value: the fair or reasonable cash price property would bring in a fair market, allowing for depreciation. Assessed Value: The valuation placed on property by a public...
When I study the construction phrases, I saw this set of terms of construction. Recorded here for further use. Balloon Framed Wall – Framed walls (generally over 10′ tall) that run the entire vertical length from the floor sill plate...
When I use Transmission to do the downloading, I see some figures on the web control panel of Transmission. Those are technical terms. Such as Seeder, Leecher, Ratio, Trackers, Peers, etc. So the questions come. What is a seeder? What...