Windows Update 2013-08

Windows Update in August 2013 on my Windows 7 64bit. Threr are three critical updates. All must-see. Cumulative Security Update for Internet Explorer (2862772) Vulnerability in Unicode Scripts Processor Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2850869) Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Exchange Server...

Windows Update 2013-07

It is time to update Windows. Here is the list of Windows Update 2013 July on my Windows 7 64bit. There are  six security updates Vulnerabilities in .NET Framework and Silverlight Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2861561)  Vulnerabilities in Windows...

Windows Updates 2012-10

Microsoft monthly Security updates released today. Only one critical update Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2742319) Six important updates Vulnerability in Microsoft Works Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2754670) Vulnerability in HTML Sanitization Component Could Allow...