Upgrade my Matomo instance to v5.0
Today, when I checked the old emails of my second Gmail account, I saw an email with an update notice. I started to use Matomo on this blog in May 2023. Matomo Analytics 5.0 is here What’s new? * Strengthened...
Tech geek. Life geek.
Today, when I checked the old emails of my second Gmail account, I saw an email with an update notice. I started to use Matomo on this blog in May 2023. Matomo Analytics 5.0 is here What’s new? * Strengthened...
Based on the schedule of release, Ubuntu 18.04 LTS (Bionic Beaver) will be released on April 26, 2018, the day after tomorrow. Now, my all VPS is running on the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. LTS is an abbreviation for “Long Term...
Now, Calibre is not upgraded every week. Let me have a look at the new releases. New features of Calibre 3.7 Allow searching for books in a virtual library using a new ‘vl:’ prefix Server: Show file sizes in the...
Piwik announce the new release of its Analytics software to latest 2.14.0. It is a major release. and This release is rated critical. There are more than 130 tickets closed and a lot of changes or improvement on it. In...
Ubuntu is always a good desktop Linux distributation in the world. In the past years. more and more are installed as servers. Now I have four VPS are running under ubuntu, from 12.04 to 14.04. Ubuntu 14.10 server is not...
In my long term plan, I will add more and more math worksheet on Aliveworksheet.com. It is a website, which can make your own worksheet for your kids. The downloadable worksheet is pdf format. The worksheet with your kid’s name...
Webmin is a quite easy way to control VPS. It is a web panel. Version 1.680 (13th March 2014) More German translation updates thanks to Raymond Vetter, Catalan from Jaume Badiella and Norwegian updates from Stein-Aksel Basma. Fixed security issues...
It is time to memo the new features of Calibre 1.19. New Features of 1.19 Edit book: A new tool to insert special characters into the text, available via Edit->Insert special character. Supports all unicode characters (over 60,000 of them)....