MyISAM and innodb engine
I have a VM that hosts a few websites there. Today, I ran the mysqltuner.pl script to check the performance and see if there is any recommondation. I know I have a database with over 900M data. There are 67...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I have a VM that hosts a few websites there. Today, I ran the mysqltuner.pl script to check the performance and see if there is any recommondation. I know I have a database with over 900M data. There are 67...
I received the ENS160+AHT21 sensor module yesterday. I can not wait for any more for the stuff. So, I build the AQI device right away. I have to give credit to TimHanewich for his project on GitHub. I changed it...
Recently, my VPS which hosted a bunch of WordPress sites gave an error message: Too many connections. I mean all available connections have been used by the various clients and my MySQL server can not serve any new connections until...
After the installation of MySQL server or MariaDB on Ubuntu, I would like to use phpMyAdmin or Adminer to access the MySQL server. But the first time the error comes like below. Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ mysqli_real_connect(): (HY000/1698): Access...
I am used to using phpmyadmin to manage the MySQL database for many years. Just recently, I saw an alternative way to do it. Adminer, a full-featured database management tool written in PHP. The latest version is v4.7.1 when I...
The same script php file, always works smoothly on HHVM 3.2 to HHVM 3.5. Until I upgrade it to HHVM 3.6. It is a simply script which use mysqli connection and so on. Now it is shown the error as...
Previously I used gzip as compression tool to compress the web site files and mysql database. It is still working on my Linode server. I learned something from the compairasion from this post . So I tried to use bzip...
It is easy to use Webmin to manage VPS, including MySQL server. But it is not working with MariaDB default. The webmin MySQL server shows error as below: It can not find the path of command to start and stop...
It is a smoothly converting without hurting data inside of the tables. I have phpmyadmin installation on my VPS. So just goto there and select database, click SQL tab of it. Enter following sql and click Go.
The error when I try to start MySQL server in the VPS. Another MySQL daemon already running with the same unix socket I googled it and found the solution.
To fine tuning mysql server, run Mysql tuning primer script on server. But I got error which said bc is not found. So just enter following yum install bc to install it.
It is a guide to install LEMP on a Centos 6.4 64bit VPS at Burst.net. It is also working on other VPS. LEMP stands for Linux, NginX, MySQL, PHP. First of all, rebuild the OS on VPS with Centos-6.2-x86_64. Other...
Before install Apache2, PHP5 and MySQL, install CentOS 6.3 server first. Followed the steps to install these staff. 1) Installing MySQL 5
I do a database backup very ofter with mysqldump command. Just found an error come when I run the command, mysqldump as below. mysqldump: Got error: 1044: Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ to database ‘information_schema’ when using LOCK TABLES I...
I move one site to a new server with Windows 2003. It is a MySQL database. I use PHP script to connect the database file and query it. I run the same script more than 5 years on the old...