Got a new phone Google Pixel 3a
It is time to replace my old phone, LG Q6. I start the contract with Fido two years ago. The model is LG-M703. It is quite good for me. After two years of usage, I feel it is a little...
Tech geek. Life geek.
It is time to replace my old phone, LG Q6. I start the contract with Fido two years ago. The model is LG-M703. It is quite good for me. After two years of usage, I feel it is a little...
Some time ago, on October 8, 2018, Google came out and admitted to a data breach in its Google+ social network, because of a software bug. This bug resulted in close to 500,000 user accounts getting compromised. There is...
When Google Penguin 4.0 was released in October of 2016, one of its main goals was to target and reduce the rank for sites that were found to have poor links. While the Internet search engine giant’s intention was to...
After I switch to the new Gmail, I used it for three days. Gmail stuck more than five times. When I search the emails by email address, it stuck at loading. Sometimes it stuck when I try to open an...
Gmail, one of the world’s most popular email services. I used it for more than thirteen years. It has major changes on the look and some real new features. Now it looks more flatter. You know Google’s Material Design schema....
My Nexus 7 (2013) tablet got the OTA upgrade notice on November 10, 2015. It is a big update from Android 5 to Android 6, or from Lollipop to Marshmallow. It is said new Android 6.0 Marshmallow improved performance, battery...
My Nexus 7 got another update again, when I am back home. It is said, “This software update will upgrade your Nexus 7 to improve stability, increase security, and ifx bugs. Downloading updates over a mobile network or while roaming...
There are so many tips to help blogger to increase blog traffic. Here is my list for 2014. Make my blog content SEO-Friendly. Use Twitter, Facebook, Google+ Add Graphics, photos and illustrations. Frequently modify or improve my own posts. Enable...
Google announced that Google Account Activity merged with the Google Dashboard. I got the email from Google. Account Activity information merged with the Google Dashboard to provide you with a single point for account activity information and to provide more...
It is new version of Nexus 7. Google pushed it to market in July, 2013, to replace the old Nexus 7. Compare with the old Nexus 7. There are some new features or improvement on hardware. 1,920 x 1,200 IPS...
It is a great deal for a 7 inch Nexus table. I ordered it on Nov. 7. Received it yesterday. The tag price on shop.ca is $249.99 The total I paid is less than $150.00 1) Sign Up Shop.ca $25...
Google announced that new Ultrabook, Chromebook Acer C7 yesterday. It is $199.00, available in US and UK now. It is the cheapest Chromebook, comparing with Samsung Chromebook from $249 to $449. Acer C7 has Inter Core CPU, 2GB memory,3 USB...
Yesterday, I post it to show how to add a Google +1 button. It is easy when you just want the button for the page or URL which contain this button. There is still some case like this. I have...
Google announce to release Google +1 Button to third party. It is good tool for Blogger. To add it on site, or blog like my MovableType blog, just two script need to be added. 1) Add following tag code to...
We, my wife and I want two basic phone plan. We have very few calls. We want we can call each other for free. In the Brentwood Mall, I took three flies from the three major players of the Canadian...