Fix the broken usb cable for ipod shuffle
I have an ipod shuffle. Most of time, I play Xiangsheng on it. It uses an usb cable to charge the battery and also connect with itunes to tranfer data. The cable I have is not that sable. I have...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I have an ipod shuffle. Most of time, I play Xiangsheng on it. It uses an usb cable to charge the battery and also connect with itunes to tranfer data. The cable I have is not that sable. I have...
MovableType has a new release v5.2 on Sep. 26, 2012. I download the full pack from the official site. Untar it and copy overwrite the old installation. Then enter the url of MovableType. New looks come. Then I sign in...
During past week, I saw two shell accounts are hacked. Both are on Dreamhost. One of it is reported by Google Webmaster Tools. It said there are some malicious code found. The other one is found, because that the memory...
Just few days after the release of WordPress 3.2, wordpress 3.2.1 released. It is said that it fixes a JSON-related server incompatibility problem that affected some users. Fixes for the new dashboard design and the Twenty Eleven theme, based on...
WordPress 3.0.5 is released and has following bugs fixed. Summary * Fix XSS bug: Properly encode title used in Quick/Bulk Edit, and offer additional sanitization to various fields. Affects users of the Author or Contributor role. (r17397, r17406, r17412) *...
mod_pagespeed has so big problem on Centos and other Linux dist. It release the to fix following bugs. Issue 5 Incorrectly handling not-quoted font-family names with spaces Issue 7 insert_img_dimensions not detecting existing dimensions Issue 10 A whole...
I have an 2 Handle Shower faucet. I am familar with replacing the washer. Actually I did it before. Now I managed to fix the leak faucet again last Saturday. I change the washer of hotwater faucet. When I test...
To be noticed that WordPress 2.5.1 release. It includes security fix. So I recommend you to upgrade as soon as possible.
phpBB 3.0.1 released yesterday. It is normal to download it and upgrade phpBB 3.0.0 of my Support Board. This is a bug fix release. It fixed lots of bugs and change some security issue.
To repare the corrupted MyISAM tables, just cd to the directory that holds the MyISAM datafiles, then run this: $ myisamchk -r -q table_name If it doesn’t work, try this command, $ myisamchk –safe-recover table_name The above two commands can...