USB Front Panel for PC
My PC case has a front panel. Including two USB 2.0 ports, one MIC port, and one earphone port. It is not enough. It is not fast enough. The motherboard Gigabyte B450M DS3H has F_USB30 and F_USB1 and F_USB2. I...
Tech geek. Life geek.
My PC case has a front panel. Including two USB 2.0 ports, one MIC port, and one earphone port. It is not enough. It is not fast enough. The motherboard Gigabyte B450M DS3H has F_USB30 and F_USB1 and F_USB2. I...
I have a site, which use nginx as web server and php-fpm as php interpreter. Most of the files use html extension name. My nginx conf file has following section. But, when I enter the url such as https://example.com/sample.html, whose...
Here is the simple way to install the dbase extension. One command only. sudo pecl install dbase-7.0.0beta1 It will install the extension for you. You just need to restart php7.0-fpm service. Check the php information. If your php is...
I followed the instruction mostly based on mote0230 github. Please be noticed that updating (and probably inserting) with arrays that contain named indexes, is not working. For my project, it is OK. I just need to read the data from...
The default PHP of DreamHost is not support Zip extension. To let it support Zip. You need following steps. 1) Have your own customized PHP compile, which I posted before. 2) Then need to installing PECL Zip Followed the guide...