Redesign the Blog
In the new year of 2008, I am trying to redesign the blog. The default template from Six Apart is looks boring. Now I have not finish my design yet. If you have some idea, just leave your comment below....
Tech geek. Life geek.
In the new year of 2008, I am trying to redesign the blog. The default template from Six Apart is looks boring. Now I have not finish my design yet. If you have some idea, just leave your comment below....
Movabletype 4.01 has the internal upload facility, which can upload images to the assets manager. My blog is always runing well on my Windows 2003, until I moved it to the Linux server. The photo is not displayed on the...
Update: BlogRush is shutdown in 2009 I just sign up the new online traffic booster facility, BlogRush. It is very simply to apply BlogRush, Just click the link above, enter your email, your blog’s address, feed address, and choose your...
As we know, if you want your own blog or site to be known by more people, you need a more links from other sites. Here is a very powerful tools. I call it Generation 2 site directory. After 2...
This is really handy toolbox for Blogger. All kinds of resources including WordPress, MovableType, Blog Hosting Solutions, Tips & Advice, Blogging Forums & Sites, Blog Tools and Resources, Blog Monetization, etc. Just click the link below to find these usefull...
I tried to delete some blog in Beta1 of MovableType. I got the error message as below: I think it is a bug of this beta version. I would like to report it. Updated: I went to the Know issue...
There are some risks when you post something online. The following public ads are show you what it is. When put something online, it will transfer so fast and so wide.
WordPress 2.2 There are some new features or improvements: * WordPress Widgets allow you to easily rearrange and customize areas of your weblog (usually sidebars) with drag-and-drop simplicity. This functionality was originally available as a plugin Widgets are now included...
Do you want your own Web Gallery, or Web Photo Albums. Check Gallery. It is a Open Source program I use a one-click-installation feature of DreamHost to install this service for my Grace’s site. The album is private site, no...
This is a new Blog for Dreamer named as Dreamer’s Blog. Its focus is on Hi-Tech products, Web Programs, Gadget, and so on. It also has WordPress optimize tips, Hi-Tech News and Reviews. It is powered by G2Soft.Net.
I just switch my hosting plan from MS Beginner to Linux Beginner package. The switching is OK. Even I find so many problems, I still want to keep my hosting plan on 1and1. One more issue is the Linux Beginner...
I received one cheque from AdBrite the end of last month. The payment is for one 300 x 250 pixel Medium Rectangle ad inserted in each individual post of this Blog. The return is so bad. And the payment above...
A lot of readers may be noticed that some ads are displayed on this blog. One of them are provided by Text Link Ads. I put it on the right side of the Home page and the middle of every...
ReviewMe is a good way to get more income to cover your cost of your server or internet access expense. If you have a blog over 2 years, and continue to post, you may know much about how to earn...
Sixapart is developing the next version of MovableType. The future version will be including following interesting features: 1) Role Role may replace the Author and Administrator. Default roles include Weblog Administrator, Designer and Editor. So, it is more flexible to...