Upgrade the PC BIOS firmware
It is time to check the BIOS version of my PC. I do regular maintenance for a few months. The upgrade procedure is the same as before. The motherboard is Asus PRIME B450M-A II. The version of BIOS on the...
Tech geek. Life geek.
It is time to check the BIOS version of my PC. I do regular maintenance for a few months. The upgrade procedure is the same as before. The motherboard is Asus PRIME B450M-A II. The version of BIOS on the...
It is time to upgrade my desktop PC motherboard. it is Asus PRIME B450M-A II. The bios running on the board is v 3604, which I upgraded in March 2022. How to upgrade the ASUS motherboard BIOS? 1. Download the...
Say, there is a ASUS Laptop, which is shipped with Windows Vista. Now the user want to change it to Windows 7. Here is the tips to upgrade it. 1) Backup up the user files to a safe place. Maybe...
Yes, it is true. I have see so many blue screens on a brand new PC server with Windows 2008 Server R2. The hardware including following items: Intel i5 2500 CPU 1TB SATA2 Hard Disk ASUS P8P67 R3 mother board...
Last time I upgraded Asus O!Play to v1.33N in last Oct. So check the official site, found the latest one is v1.38N. There is also v1.35N in between. The updates from v1.33 to v1.38 are below. Add new feature: Hungarian...
Just found the update description on o!Play HDP-R1 firmware v1.33 O!Play HDP-R1 firmware update (For NTSC TV system user) 1. Add Podcast media service 2. Shorten the time of samba scanning 3. Improve HDMI compatibility 4. Fix photo slide show...
Just be noticed that ASUS released O!Play HDP-R1 firmware 1.33. From the support forum, I saw some posts regarding the issues of this new firmware. You can see here, here. From the download page of this product screen, NO CHANGE...
I saw some comments related downloading problem for ASUS O!Play firmware. So put the firmware to the site for easy access is good idea. If you do not know how to update the firmware, check the howto here. Please ensure...
Asus released v1.30N on Aug. 10, 2010. O!Play HDP-R1 firmware update (For NTSC TV system user) 1.Improve TrueHD compatibility with Sony receiver STRDH800 2.Resolve Samba Network Neighborhood detection problem. http://vip.asus.com/forum/view.aspx?id=20100816155949014&board_id=19&model=O!Play+HDP-R1&page=1&SLanguage=en-us
I did the upgrade of my Asus O!Play last month. It is great to have so many features on it and keep add new features when upgrading. I have written a post about how to Upgrade O!Play firmware. It is...
I upgrade my O!Play from 1.21N to 1.24N O!Play HDP-R1 firmware update (For NTSC TV system user) Improve HDMI compatibility with certain Toshiba TV set. ***Please ensure the television system or standard used in your country or location before updating...
Today, I upgrade O!Play firmware from 1.17N to 1.21N. There are so many new features I would like to show. On v1.18 Update Item: 1.Improve subtitle font support for the missing characters 2.Add in txt subtitle format support 3.Add in...
I have an Asus O!Play media player almost one month. It comes with firmware Version 1.07N. The N means NTSC. Just in one week. Asus released two firmware, 1.11 and 1.13. New features including: 1.Improve the compatibility of HDMI cable...
I bought a new player last friday at Anitec. I spend $118.97 incl. tax. It works very well to play video, audio, photos from my USB disk or shared folder of other PC.