Implement Umami Analytics
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused, open-source analytics solution. It is a cool tool. I saw someone install Umami from source code or docker. I am a lazy man. So I just signed up and started to use the cloud...
Tech geek. Life geek.
Umami is a simple, fast, privacy-focused, open-source analytics solution. It is a cool tool. I saw someone install Umami from source code or docker. I am a lazy man. So I just signed up and started to use the cloud...
Just noticed that I have a Piwik installation to track one of my niche sites, www.aliveworksheet.com. It is showing that Piwik 1.7.1 is here, go to upgrade. OK, even I can not find the current version, I still go to...
I tried Woopra two years ago. It is still not under beta any more, but very cool. Now, it has free basic version and paid version. The desktop client panel is v1.4. Look at the great interface. The big yellow...
To make a site popular and get more visitors, you have to do all from the beginning. Let’s have a simple list of how to do the website SEO from the day one. 1. Basic analytic of site goal 2....
I ordered two books from Chapters online. The most important one is “Web Analytics An Hour a Day”. Written by Avinash Kaushik. Which is published in 2007. Let me show you some content of this book. A Step-by-Step Guide Learn...