Fujifilm FinePix S9000 Review

Delivers big zoom, dSLR-like features SLIGHTLY SMALLER and cheaper than compact digital single-lens-reflex (dSLR) cameras, the $699.95 Fujifilm FinePix S9000 looks and handles much like its interchangeable-lens competitors, and, in some cases, tops them in features. The S9000 comes with...

Webhosting Resources

We support a new information site, which is provide Webhosting Resources. It offers web hosting articles, news and information. Explains domain registration, shared and dedicated service plans, platforms, costs, software, access, disk space and traffic allowed. Content targeted at small...

Driving in summer

Summer is coming. A lot of Canadian will take the vacation. If you’re driving, there is a website for everything – even one that warns you where the “known speed traps” are on the Trans Canada Highway. Visit www.transcanadahighway.com for...

Print to PDF

Sometimes we have to print the documtent to PDF file. If you have Adobe Acrobat 7.0 Professional , congratulation for you. It cost you US$422. at Amazon. It has so many features I don’t need. I just want to convert...

Do we need wireless

So many wireless equipments are around us, cellphones, WiFi/AirPort computer networking, Bluetooth keyboards and mice. I know basicly the vendors have tested the EMF (electric and magnetic fields) exposure before their products go into the store. They always say it...

Switch to VOIP

Voice over Internet Protocol (VOIP) has become mainstream. The question today is not whether we should move forward. It is how are we doing to do this. Some companies have small offices around Canada and the US, and as far...