Update to MovableType 3.32 is quite simple
Update my blog to MovableType 3.32.
Tech geek. Life geek.
Update my blog to MovableType 3.32.
I have a site driven by Access database. Today I compacted this database and browse the web page which will access this database. I got the error message, “Selected collating sequence not supported by the operating system.” It looks so...
SixApart updated MovableType to 3.32 on August 28, 2006. David Yin’s Blog is just upgraded to 3.31 two weeks ago. Do I need to update it? Let’s review the new features or bug fixes. Five features: 32509: Activity Log Filter...
I changed my site’s DNS setting through 1and1 yesterday. The site can not be reached about 1 day average. The same situation I met almost two or three times a year. I browse my site properly last night. I use...
The office computer always displayed a Symantec warning, which said Adware.roogoo is found and removed last week. I trust this virus is not removed, because this warning window poped every day. I search Symantec site. Behavior Adware.Roogoo is adware that...
There are so many searches for WGA Logon. I am not the expert in this area, hacker. I just found a way to go around the WGA logon. Yesterday I reviewed the Awstats (Advanced Web Statistics 6.5) statistics there is...
Do you hear ODP before? The Open Directory Project (ODP) is the largest, most comprehensive human-edited directory of the Web. It is constructed and maintained by a vast, global community of volunteer editors. After about three months waiting and over...
I have three USB disks. Yesterday, I thought I can make a bootable USB disk and finally I chose the PNY attache 1 GB. The problem is I don’t know how to make a bootable USB disk. I searched the...
Baidu learns Google so fast. The new Baidu Index is also based on the invitation. This is a Google Trends linke service. Firstly, I asked hao7, my friend in Adsenser. I knew he has some. He told me that all...
I do some search in the data recovery tools. Not for regular one. I need a tool which can recover the data in a dynamic volume. This is a harddisk used in the Windows 2003 Server. I have two disks...
This week I start a new blog. “SEO 网站优化推广“, means SEO Website Optimizing and Marketing. There are so many website owners in China. Most of them use the what we call Balck Hat SEO to get more traffic. It maybe...
This is a really good plugin. It works smoothly with Tag in MovableType 3.31. TagSupplementals provide some convenient features I needed. The features added is shown as below: # MTEntryTagsCount variable tag # MTRelatedEntries container tag # MTRelatedTags container tag...
Because of the power supply failed on saturday morning, the site is down over 24 hours. I recovered over 99% data and support plat of this server. After this crash, I am so happy I have the latest offline backup...
Voipstunt put some fineprint in the bottom of their homepage. It is even under the copyright description. They set a limit of free calls. 300 minutes per week. It means 42 minutes per day. Not much. I still remember there...
Now send a text-message (SMS) is also very easy through the backgroud of Voipstunt It will charge you 5Ct per message. The speed is very fast. I clicked the send button and received the message at my cellphone in 10...