Post from Google Docs & Spreadsheets

I want to try the post from Google Docs & Spreadsheets. The MovableType API is http://YOURBLOG/PATH/TO/mt-xmlrpc.cgi I use MovableType. Google said MovableType supports more features than Blogger. Good. Don’t forget setup your Web Services Password in your Author setting in...

Buy books on

I finished a survy, Nortel 2006 Trend Survey, in September. So, I received two gift certificates. $15.00 each. Firstly I go to to make the order. When I entered the claim code, it said the code is not...

Find Google-eBook Download Center

I read Google Blogoscoped, and continued to go to Google-eBook Download Center. That’s Internet sharing. That’s real Internet spirit. Let me see what’s so good there. O’Reilly Google Hacks Google For Dummies Building Your Business With Google For Dummies O’Reilly...

Blogging Resources

I am blogger. I like blogging. So, I want everyone can blog everyday. Let me introduce some good resources for Blog. Blog Hosts: Blog Server software: Host yourself I recommand MovableType. I use it over...