Yahoo Food
Yahoo has a site fullly filled by recipes. It is Yahoo Food I do like daintiness. Sometimes I will cook some for my family. This time I got a good place for reference. For every dish, it tells me preparing...
Tech geek. Life geek.
Yahoo has a site fullly filled by recipes. It is Yahoo Food I do like daintiness. Sometimes I will cook some for my family. This time I got a good place for reference. For every dish, it tells me preparing...
Zend Google Data Client Library is released on Oct. 31, 2006. It is a new GData API for Php developer. It provide a simple standard protocol and writing data on the web. For example, Google Base, Calendar, Blogger, and CodeSearch...
My parents in law have a computer bought 2 or 3 years ago from Bestbuy. It is eMachine T2542. Last week, it did not work suddenly. The problem based on their description is: 1. When push the power button, green...
A lot of people know that Skype has ability to make a free call with North America until the end of 2006. I tried before, the voice quality is good enough. But I am tied to my computer. The skype...
I am noticed that a guy left a comment on my blog. He asked to exchange the links with me to his blog, and gave me his site information. I checked his blog. There is no link to me. It...
I have a SPA-2002 device for 8 months. I also use VOIPSTUNT as my Voip serivec provider. The Firmware with device is 3.1.2(a). Nothing wrong. I went to SIPURA website, and saw the new firmware there. So, I upgrade it...
Now it’s time to upgrade your Ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10. There is no free shipit for 6.10. And it is not a Long Term Support (LTS). You can download it here. Let’s see some new features implemented in Ubuntu 6.10....
I watch some blogs hosted on blogspot.com. I find 500 error this morning, at 11:20 PST. Internal Server Error Error 500 blogger.com is Ok now. Blogspot is hacked?
In the recent days, a piece of news is going across the Chinese blogs. China is developing “Real Name System” for blogs I think nothing can be more ugly than it. The gov. said over 50% people support this system....
I am proudly announce Pentacle In-Out Board v is ready for brand new installation and upgrade from all previous version. I post the new release on Oct., 22 2006. The upgrade package is ready yesterday. In v6.10, I added...
I use Firefox more often than before. I download the Firefox 2.0 when I know the final version 2 is coming. I did not get the upgrade information from the version. In the official site, it is still old...
If you work on computer over 10 years, you must have some old hardware. It’s me. I have a big box. I saved a lot of old stuffs. Such as sound card, video card, motherboard, NIC, etc. Why I save...
If you bought a computer last month or you want to buy some one as a Christmas gift to your boy, it must be a Windows Vista Ready PC. It may has an integrated graphics card, can run Microsoft Office...
I found some of my articles are copied and posted on the other sites without my permission. They even do not follow my CC license. I use “Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.0 Canada” license in this Blog. It means anybody can copy, distribute,...
We went to Oakridge Mall last week. I still remember the feelling when we stepped on this land about five years ago. We resided in my aunt’s house for three monthes. It is close to the Oakridge Mall. We always...