Network View tools
This is a handy tool, you’ll never need to draw out your own network. It automatically generates a network diagram for you within minutes. One of the usage is to find a hole of your wireless network. Or you can...
Tech geek. Life geek.
This is a handy tool, you’ll never need to draw out your own network. It automatically generates a network diagram for you within minutes. One of the usage is to find a hole of your wireless network. Or you can...
I upgraded my G2Soft Supporting forum yesterday. The latest one is 2.0.22. It took me about 15 minutes to upgrade it from 2.0.19. Easy and smooth. The PHPBB can be downloaded here. The PHPBB is simple to upgrade, but the...
Now a lot of website owner find some malicious code hide in their webpages. Some are put by hacker. The codes are also encoded. Webmaster can not remove the malicious code from the original html codes, they are all mixed....
New CC license has four parts: Share: The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work beyond the freedoms given by fair use. Remix: Licensor permits others to make derivative works beyond the freedoms given by fair...
I like freeware and Open-Source program, just like Phpsysinfo. I have a Windows 2000 server with php and mysql enabled. Phpsysinfo will displays things like Uptime, CPU, Memory, SCSI, IDE, PCI, Ethernet, Floppy, and Video Information.
I went to Burnaby Public Library with my daughters, Grace and Gloria. I borrowed three books, Windows Server Hacks, Windows Server Cookbook and JavaScript for Dummies. Just three. Grace, my six years old daughter and her little sister Gloria, three...
2013.08.29 Update: Google Checkout is retired and replaced by Google Wallet. As I mentioned that Google give $10 bonus to new Checkout user. But the most important things is how can I find the store to use this credit. The...
I introduced some FastStone programs before. I used this FastStone Capture so often and I feel this tool is good enough. It is better than some commercial products. I respected FastStone’s work to make it free. Thank you. First of...
Google provide Checkout service last year, I think. More and more online-stores accept this kind of payment. To promote this Checkout, Google announce a $10 sign-up bonus. You’d be hurry to sign-up a new Google Checkout account. • Sign up...
You know I received one cheque from ReviewMe. I always think it is an independent Ads service provider. Just like the email I received from them. They put the signature as below before: ReviewMe support@reviewme.com http://www.reviewme.com Today I received an...
I have a site which is hosted by 1and1. It is down last week about 8 or 9 hours. I remember that it has a 99.99% uptime guarantee. So, I send an email to them and get the confirmation to...
Now I upgrade my AWstats from 6.5 to 6.6. All safe. 1) Backup all files in your wwwroot. Just in case. 2) Download the awstats-6.6.zip, and decompress it. 3) Copy the files in wwwroot and replace the old files. 4)...
AWStats is a very powerful log analysis tool. I still remember last update for AWStats 6.5 half year ago. First of all, let’s see the changes it bring in. New features/improvements: – All geoip plugins support the PurePerl version. –...
Last weekend, there were reports on a higher probability of an earthquake in western canada. CBC news said: Seismic scientists say there is a greater probability of a major earthquake on B.C.’s South Coast in the next week, following a...
Do you have the Shaw Digital box, DCT2000? If you say yes, you can use it to control almost all equipment with this controller. Just program your remote controller and you can throw away your TV’s, DVD’s. VCR’s, and Receivers’s...