Moving from ASP to PHP
I have a dream, mentioned in my Chinese Blog. I want to replce the current Windows 2003 server by a Linux server. There are something to do before I move to Linux. I am familiar with the Windows just like...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I have a dream, mentioned in my Chinese Blog. I want to replce the current Windows 2003 server by a Linux server. There are something to do before I move to Linux. I am familiar with the Windows just like...
I have a Ubuntu 7.04 server here with following server. Apache2 and PHP 5 The PHP info show as below: I still want to install Zend Optimizer. So I go to Zend’s official server, get the link of the latest...
I have a related entries section on individual archive of this blog. So any old posts have relation with current post will be listed under the bottom. You like it, me too. Suddenly, I think I can add this feature...
Yes, I learn to install WordPress MU on the 1and1 server. I finished the installation very smoothly. Only one issue found by my friend George yesterday. He told me that the wp-signup.php does not work. Actually, I have no problem...
Last week, I tried to install Virtualmin on my Ubuntu 7.04 server. After installed it. I have a handy tool to add, modify or delete a website with ftp account, email account and MySQL database. Let me show you the...
I just upgrade my Ubuntu Server 6.10 to Ubuntu server 7.04. Let me show you which server software I have now with version. OS: Ubuntu 6.10 > 7.04 Control Panel: Webmin 1.320 > 1.340 DNS server: Bind 9.32 > 9.34...
I always thinking about to have a home-brewed VOIP server. Such as this one, Build a Skype Server for Your Home Phone System, it is a skype server, not exactly what I want, but still good. Through this Skype server,...
The default LAMP installation on Ubuntu 6.10 server doesn’t include mod_rewrite module. This module is required by WordPress MU. I tried to install a WordPress MU on my Ubuntu server with LAMP. To install mod_rewrite, run command as below: There...
I did it. The ispconfig is installed on my Ubuntu 6.10 successfully yesterday. I met some problems when I tried in last few days. 0) Download ISPConfig 2.2.11 Log in to shell as root. Unpack the ISPConfig-archive
I installed a testing Ubuntu Server on April 3. Some software or server application are installed on in during last 7 days. Now I have a worked server which can be put under production environment. Let’s list the detail information...
To install WordPress blog system on Ubuntu 6.10 server with LAMP is super easy. Let’s do the following steps to install it. 1) Download WordPress and unzip it. 2) Create a database on my MySQL server. I use Webmin to...
I have posted Fight against Spam, Spammer and Bots on PHPBB forum system. I have Humanizer mod for PHPBB, and Hide User’s WebSite Button 1.0.3 on my forum to protect against spam. Now I feel it is not enough. I...
The latest version, WordPress Version 2.1.3, was released to the public on April 3, 2007. Now I upgrade one blog from WordPress 2.1.2 to 2.1.3. I recorded upgrade steps here as notes. 1) Backup your database. Click “phpMyAdmin” button of...
How to find perl module and install it under Ubuntu? 1) You have to find the package of this module. For example, I want to install GEO::IPfree module for enable IPfree plugin in Awstats.
I have Awstats on Windows box. I also have some posts about how to install it and config it. Now I am a Ubuntu fans. I will show you how to install Awstats on Ubuntu server 6.10. 1) Under command...