MovableType 4.01a Released

Sixapart released Movable Type 4.01a today. It is a Security Update. No matter MT 3.2, MT 3.3x or MT4.01, upgrade is required. For MT4.01, just download the gz package and decompress it. Overwrite the MovableType 4.01 installation is OK. No...

jQuery 1.22 Released

jQuery announced the 1.22 release. It is a bug fix version. Over 120 bug fixes and the the changes make the speed improved. The package is very small. * jQuery Minified (15kb with Gzipping) * jQuery Packed (28kb) * jQuery...

Creative Autoupdate

To update the Creative products’ software or drivers. see below: Creative Software AutoUpdate currently supports Windows® 98 or higher with Microsoft® Internet Explorer 5.5 or higher. Windows Vista is currently not supported. AutoUpdate