Upgrade O!Play firmware

I have an Asus O!Play media player almost one month. It comes with firmware Version 1.07N. The N means NTSC. Just in one week. Asus released two firmware, 1.11 and 1.13. New features including: 1.Improve the compatibility of HDMI cable...

VPS of Canadian Web Hosting

Canadian Web Hosting offers two different types of VPS hosting, Linux and Windows running under Citrix Xenserver. They can choose different operating systems such as Windows 2008, Redhat, Debian, CentOS, SUSE, and Fedora. As we know, many people use Windows...

See Through

This carton is made by a Chinese boy, born in 1980. The name is “See Through”. The Chinese name is Da, Da Ge Da Xi Gua, which means, Fight, Fight for a Watermelon. It is a cool video. I think...