calibre upgraded to 0.9.4
As usual, upgrade calibre to the latest version. Now it is v0.9.4. Major new feature: Conversion: Add an option to embed a font family into the book. [0.9.4] The embedded font is used as the base font for all text...
Tech geek. Life geek.
As usual, upgrade calibre to the latest version. Now it is v0.9.4. Major new feature: Conversion: Add an option to embed a font family into the book. [0.9.4] The embedded font is used as the base font for all text...
When you have a PC in house, you may want to know what is inside of this box. Especially it is a brand name PC. Before I turn to Piriform Speccy, I used cpuz, everst home, etc. Now it is...
XCache is a open-source opcode cacher, which means that it accelerates the performance of PHP on servers. It optimizes performance by removing the compilation time of PHP scripts by caching the compiled state of PHP scripts into the shm (RAM)...
After I upgrade my server from php 5.2 to php 5.3.3, I need XCache to accelerate my phpBB. I did an installation from source. Then when I run command to check php version, it shew.
I have a forum running by phpBB 3. After upgrading to phpBB 3.0.10, the board notice said, from phpBB 3.1, the next version, it will not support php5.2. phpBB 3.1 “Ascraeus” to require PHP 5.3.2 My server is running php...
It is the first time, I received the abuse alert form, the VPS service provider. They said there is some malicious content on my VPS. Their backbone providers found it and reported to them and Burst ask me to...
For testing purpose, I need a CentOS 6.3. So I download CentOS DVD image. Installed it in VirtualBox as web server. Note: The network of guest system is using bridged, which allow the guest access internet, and also allow the...
We have wonderful time during past 15 years. Taking care of each other. Raising our three children. My wife, Vivian spend a lot of time with them. She is so busy. Has no time to do regular exercises. Until last...
Microsoft Hotmail, or live, or outlook has the bug. It only happens when you received the email with an attachment, which has Chinese file name. And also you are using Firefox to open it. As shown the screen shot below....
MovableType has a new release v5.2 on Sep. 26, 2012. I download the full pack from the official site. Untar it and copy overwrite the old installation. Then enter the url of MovableType. New looks come. Then I sign in...
I have three routers in house. One is provided by ISP, Telus. It is 2 in 1, including modem and router. The second router is Buffalo WZR-HP-G300NH. It is placed beside Telus device. There two are connected with lan cable....
I am always surprised by Firefox version number. It is just from 15.0 to 15.0.1. Now, it is Firefox 16.0. Look at the complete list of bugs fixed by this new version. Bug ID Summary 761857 Make MOZ_CRASH() stop debuggers...
Microsoft monthly Security updates released today. Only one critical update Vulnerabilities in Microsoft Word Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2742319) Six important updates Vulnerability in Microsoft Works Could Allow Remote Code Execution (2754670) Vulnerability in HTML Sanitization Component Could Allow...
Calibre is a very good free tool for ebook device, including Kindle, Kobo, etc. It is a big update. A lot of new features and bug fixes.
It is colder and colder. It is autumn now. Indoor temperature is about 20 degree. So be prepared for the winter and clean the vent. First, I made an appointment with Furnace Service company. The service including cleaning Vent, up...