No more space of my Web Server
This afternoon, I found my site was not accessible when I tried it. So I went to the Webmin panel. It loaded, but with a warning, disk space is running out. It is kind of urgent. All websites on this...
Tech geek. Life geek.
This afternoon, I found my site was not accessible when I tried it. So I went to the Webmin panel. It loaded, but with a warning, disk space is running out. It is kind of urgent. All websites on this...
WordPress has this problem, sometimes. I tried to sign in the backend of the WordPress website. It took a little bit longer to show the page without CSS or JS. It looks like below: So I open the Web Developer...
Today, I take down the CDN, just use the native VPS to provide all the static content of the WordPress blog. I will use a lot of screenshots to present the settings I configured. What is W3TC? Someone may ask...
As I mentioned in the title of this post, I disabled the Discus plugin and removed it from the Blogging system or WordPress. I starting to use the original, native commenting function out the box of the WordPress installation. It...
This is my blog’s new UI. It is new, so I hope it is suitable for all my audience needs. It is based on the UNOS publisher theme. I would like to recommend you to use this professional WordPress theme....
When I upgrade my php to php 7.2, I saw a lot of error log in the log file. [error] 1502#1502: *625 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Warning: count(): Parameter must be an array or an object that...
Recently, I found the AMP page of this blog is not working. After checking the web log error file, the error looks like below If you Google it with wp-content/plugins/glue-for-yoast-seo-amp/classes/class-frontend.php:162 A lot of search results with the same problem. Based...
Now, I changed my blog’s theme from Point to Ribbon Lite. Both themes are free themes and provided by MyThemeShop. The Point theme looks good. The Ribbon Lite looks more simple.
I checked my Nginx log files and saw a lot of errors as below: *11047 FastCGI sent in stderr: “PHP message: PHP Warning: Parameter 1 to W3_Plugin_TotalCache::ob_callback() expected to be a reference, value given in /home/users/yinfor.com/wp-includes/functions.php on line 3597” while...
It is a security update. Some of my Blogs do not have auto-update. So, manually update it by sign in.
It is time to upgrade my WordPress installation to 4.4.
I used the theme, point, for monthes. Now I would like to add an ads unit into the header banner. A Google Responsive ad unit. The problem I have is the ads is not displayed on desktop browser. It did...
By default all links posted in the comments under your articles are turned by WordpPress into links. Unfortunately, this features encourages spammers to post many unwanted comments in your blog. To disable turning URLs from comments into actual links, go...
It is a major update. Named after Bud Powell. Some new features of this WordPress 4.2 Improved “Press This” Support native Chinese, Japanese and Korean characters, musical an dmathematical symbols and also emoji. Switch themes in the Customizer. More embeds,...
Right now, this blog is running on WordPress 3.8.1. It is a go platform for blogging. Just noticed that WordPress 3.9 will be released next month. The Beta 1 is available for testing. I checked the list of new features...