BlogRush is shutting down
I received the email from BlogRush. The heading is BlogRush is Shutting Down. You may read my previous post BlogRush – It is a cool stuff to improve your traffic, when I first try the service on September 21, 2007....
Tech geek. Life geek.
I received the email from BlogRush. The heading is BlogRush is Shutting Down. You may read my previous post BlogRush – It is a cool stuff to improve your traffic, when I first try the service on September 21, 2007....
Dreamhost has a site stats facility included. But sometimes it is not accessible because of the .htaccess file. Say WordPress or some customized .htaccess file which will change the rewrite rule. To make it works, add following code in top...
There is a simple tool you can use to find out your real IP address. It is very helpful when you in a LAN and have limited rights. Just click the link You will see something looks like below:
I use D-Link WBR-1310 as a sample to show you the 6 steps to protect your home wireless network. 1. Enable Encryption * WEP (Wired Equivalent Protection) 64-bit and 128-bit: WEP is an old wireless encryption standard. Never use WEP...
I have a Shaw Cable High Speed Internet at home. It has following features. # Up to 5 Mbps download speed # Up to 512 Kbps upload speed # 60 GB/month data transfer # 10 Personal email accounts # 7...
Google Reader can let users share the post with the friends. Actually, it is not the friends list. It shares to all the contacts you have. But, not all contacts are your friends. OK Google fix this bug now. User...
I am still using Joomla! 1.5.3 on some sites. What about the Joomla! 1.5.5 and previous 1.5.4? Let us just focus on the new release.
Let’s see some hacker skills on Google Search. Enter following query into Google Search box.
I have a Home Server at home. It should have following functions: Printer server; Fire sharing server; AMP server, including Apache, MySQL, PHP for testing purpose; P2P client to download something for fun with web interface; Backup server, to backup...
Joomla! is a wonderful open source CMS. But the performance of content on Search Engine Results is not good enough. Some SEO (Search Engine Optimize) hacking should be taken to make it better on SERP. The first one is H1...
There are many video formats in computer world. Say MPG, WMV, AVI, MP4, The FLV is a video format played by flash player, which is installed almost 99% of computers all over the world. Video quality of the different formats...
If you install new Joomla! 1.5.2 on your server, you get the ‘Welcome to the Frontpage’ title on your Frontpage. Sometimes, it is difficult to find, where you can change this title. Go to your Joomla! 1.5.2 Administration site and...
I have compared High speed Internet services provided by Shaw and Telus two years ago. Now I want to compare the Bundles prices and services. Now it is three items, including TV, Internet and Telephone. The information based on...
You will see the warning of Google’s SSL server certificate is expired when you login you Google AdWords account this morning.
Google introduced it Chart API last December. For reference, I noted here my tips. I need a 3D Pie chart. The code should looks like below: <img src=”https://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chd=t:50,10,40&chs=500×200&chl=PR|HTTP Status|Whois”/> The code can break down as shown here: “cht=p3” is the...