Can not start Win32diskimager on Windows 10
Update: It is also solve the problem on Windows 11. I am trying to burn an ISO file into a USB disk for installation. Most of the time, I am using Win32DiskImager to do the job. But today, I can...
Tech geek. Life geek.
Update: It is also solve the problem on Windows 11. I am trying to burn an ISO file into a USB disk for installation. Most of the time, I am using Win32DiskImager to do the job. But today, I can...
In my previous post, I promised I will post details of my NAS system. Therefore, I am going to give the full description of my U-NAS. Official website: http://www.u-nas.cn/ U-NAS Information U-NAS Version Serial Number: 000000000000 U-NAS Model: U-NAS...
I installed git for windows on my Windows 10. Most of the time I use the Git Bash terminal window. The Git Bash environment has a lot of Linux commands. I also use it as a Linux shell. Today, I...
I have NAS in my home network. It provides some shared folders. I mapped the drive with this kind of shared folders. It depends on the SMB service to connecting them. Wikipedia has a page for SMB or Server Message...
My Acer Aspire One A110 is more than 12 years old. I still use it occasionally. My main rig is a desktop PC. The only laptop is this Acer netbook, ZG5. It came with Windows XP Home. Working perfectly after...
I used Calibre Ebook management for many years. Just noticed that it has a big version upgrade. It is v5 now. There is something new in Calibre 5.0. Highlighting Supporting in the calibre e-book viewer Python 3 The installation package...
Yes, I just update the Thunderbird form v68.10.0 to v78.0.1. Thunderbird 78.0.1 was released just a few days ago. Actually it is not an update. It is an installation and overwrites the old version. See the following Add-on support: As...
I use the composer on my desktop for many years. It is a PHP related tool. Very helpful when I need to install some PHP packages. Composer is A Dependency Manager for PHP. Just a few minutes ago, I did...
I am always using putty to connect my VPS and generate ssh keys. It has a new release two weeks ago. Putty v7.4 was released on June 27, 2020. PuTTY 0.74, released today, is a bug-fix and security release. It...
I am always keeping my Calibre desktop software updates. And also I keep log the new features of Calibre here. I like Calibre because I have two Kindle and two Kobos. New features for Calibre 4.16 Viewer/Edit book fuzzy search:...
It is only four days after the release fo Calibre 4.0. New features for Calibre 4.1 Viewer: Add an option to have a scrollbar (under Scrolling in the viewer preferences) Viewer: Allow showing the ‘position in book’, as was displayed...
Welcome back, calibre users. It has been two years since calibre 3.0. This time has been spent mostly in making the calibre Content server ever more capable as well as migrating calibre itself from Qt WebKit to Qt WebEngine, because...
Maybe you’re a contract graphic designer doing small, one-off projects for local businesses. Or, an in-house professional responsible for overseeing all graphic creation in a large corporation. Regardless, you can always be improving your craft. Read on as we go...
Dreamweaver 2019 does not connect to SFTP server and you see the “Failed to Read the contents of XML Resource: IDD_SSH_KEY_CHANGE_DIALOG” error. 1) Close the Dreamweaver application. 2) Go to the following location: Windows: C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC xxxx\en_US\Configuration macOS: ~/Library/Application...
During last two weeks, my firefox getting slower and slower. It is Windows 10, with Firefox 67 or early version. When I enter an HTTPS web site URL into the address bar, it took a lot of time to load...