How to setup Gmail in phpBB 3.2.x in 2019?
I wrote a post long time ago about how to use Gmail with phpBB 3. Now it is 2019. It may get error with the same settings. It is not because my guide is wrong. Actually Google add more security...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I wrote a post long time ago about how to use Gmail with phpBB 3. Now it is 2019. It may get error with the same settings. It is not because my guide is wrong. Actually Google add more security...
It is a warning information when the cronjob running every night. This cronjob is used to update or re-index the phpBB powered forum, which is a Chinese forum. The whole error is a kind of a list of warning with...
This how-to is made on Centos6.7 64bit. It is a phpBB forum in Chinese with more than 680K posts. If I use phpBB native Fulltext or MySQL Fulltext search, the search tables are over 1.4GB. Too big. And it is...
It works for phpBB 3.1.x, not just phpBB 3.1.6. For a national forum or global forum, it is a must to have a CDN support. The way I used is not a formal extension or plugin. It is a hack,...
It is so fast, phpBB 3.1.1 released. I did meet the problem when I tried to upgrade my phpBB 3.0.12 to 3.1.0 or 3.1.1. Same problem here. One is mentioned in the previous post. Request-URI Too Large when updating I...
I am going to upgrade my forums which are powered by phpBB. The package I downloaded is automatic upgrade package. phpBB-3.0.12–3.1.0.zip One is small forum, with most of the default settings. When I upgrade it as old way, the error...
It is based on phpBB 3.0.11. I checked the Google Analytics report. There are about 20% users using cellphone or iPad. To accommodate these users, I installed a mobile style on it and added the Mobile device detection facilitate. There...
I have a forum powered by phpBB3.0.7 PL1. It works great. Even I added so many mods and some my customized changes on it, it still has room to improve. Last week, it took me about two hours to add...
Right now, latest version of phpBB is 3.0.7 PL1. The features of the next version 3.1 freeze on July 20, 2010. So what is the exact date to release it. The following are features or changes on phpBB 3.1 Merged:...
To upgrade phpBB properly without problem, I make a detailed upgrading plan. I would like to share it with you. 1. Disable forum board. It is important to make the board clean. And keep resource usage low. 2. Backup The...
I have a typo when I posted about phpBB 3 new release.
First of all, I need Memcache to be installed in the server. I don’t want say too much about installation of Memcache. The topic is MAKE MEMCACHE WORK ON PHPBB3. First get acm_memcache.php from code center of phpbb. Put this...
How to change logo in phpBB 3 style? This example shows you how to do it for subSilver 2, but it can also be applied to almost any other style, including prosilver. 1. Upload Logo file First you should create...
As I mentioned before, I will make a distillate mod for phpBB forum program. It is a good time to release it. Distillate Mod 0.1b distillate-mod.zip Tested with: * phpBB 3.0.4 * ProSilver With Chinese Language support. It is very...