HHVM 3.6 has problem with MariaDB
The same script php file, always works smoothly on HHVM 3.2 to HHVM 3.5. Until I upgrade it to HHVM 3.6. It is a simply script which use mysqli connection and so on. Now it is shown the error as...
Tech geek. Life geek.
The same script php file, always works smoothly on HHVM 3.2 to HHVM 3.5. Until I upgrade it to HHVM 3.6. It is a simply script which use mysqli connection and so on. Now it is shown the error as...
Received an email from Linode about the security updates. It happened on yesterday. The Email said: Linode recently received several Xen Security Advisories (XSAs) that require us to perform updates to our host servers. In order to apply the updates,...
It is a error on Nginx Web Server. Actually happened when I tried to import a large sql backup into MySQL server through phpmyadmin. First, I change the upload limit or max file size on php.ini upload_max_filesize = 100M post_max_size...
It is just a record for reference. 0) I have my Ubuntu 14.04 installation done on my VirtualBox 512MB memory 1 CPU. Install Ubuntu 14.04 server with openssh server only. No other server software installed. 1) Install Nginx Nginx can...
Previously I used gzip as compression tool to compress the web site files and mysql database. It is still working on my Linode server. I learned something from the compairasion from this post . So I tried to use bzip...
I have a CentOs server. There is an error when I try to update the system. The server version is 64bit CentOs 6.6. The way to solve this problem is here:
The server is CentOS 6.6 64bit. When I try ot run yum update the error shown as below: The way to solve the problem is to edit Modify https and replace them by http Save it then run yum update.
Now I have a old CentOS distribution installation on one of my VPS. It is CentOS 5.11. I use Crontab for schedule jobs. When I install this VPS and try to config crontab, I can not find it in Webmin....
Ubuntu is always a good desktop Linux distributation in the world. In the past years. more and more are installed as servers. Now I have four VPS are running under ubuntu, from 12.04 to 14.04. Ubuntu 14.10 server is not...
It is a little bit tricky when I install SSL certificate in Webmin. Here is a how-to of installation of it. Now Webmin is version 1.710, on CentOS 6.5. The SSL certificate is issued by Comodo. The very important part...
I have some sites with SSL enabled only. These sites are money related or security related. So SSL is a must have. Now the question came to my head and it is Do I need to add SPDY on it?...
It is a general command to check which program is using port 80. And also known the PID of this process. Then to force stop it and release the port 80 to other program. To get more details of...
I use putty as a terminal to connect my remote server through ssh. Vi is my favorite text editor in it. How to display line numbers along the left side of the editor? Enter following command while using vi text...
I installed a ftp server, Proftp on a developing virtual system. It is on Centos 6 64bit. Install Proftpd with yum command. When I use ftp client software to connect the ftp server, I got following error. Response: 220 FTP...
I have a PHP 5.5.13 which is compiled from source. With GD support. I saw some image thumb is not shown in the webpage of Joomla. The error log has following errors: Call to undefined function: imagecreatefromjpeg() When I check...