Webmin Update Error: NO_PUBKEY 2D223B918916F2A2

I have Webmin installed on my VPS as the web panel. Recently, I saw the update error in the Terminal window. I did the search. Run the following commands in the command. wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/webmin/webmin/master/setup-repos.sh sh setup-repos.sh Then, there is no...

What is New of Bootstrap v5.3.1?

I am using Bootstrap for many years. Some projects are still using the old v5.0. The latest Bootstrap v5.3.1 is released on July 26, 2023. I don’t have time to learn it until now. Let me study it and find...

VPS compare

Recent trial of VPS

Recently, I did some trial use on the following VPS. Hetzner Google Cloud Contabo Vultr Oracle Cloud Oracle Cloud https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQLu9_T0iljC3jhWmRIgOFA7rdiLM3s-FcKl-EMXgL_7Fh6htcqZRqcClwFBsBKmBQThYmhmU6zshjP/pubhtml?gid=0&single=true