Linux Command
Ubuntu basic commands, used very often.
Tech geek. Life geek.
Ubuntu basic commands, used very often.
Last week, I installed Ubuntu 6.10 server version Linux on an old computer. You can see some information below from phpSysInfo. Let me record my installation history. 1) Download Ubuntu 6.10 server image file, and burn it on CD. 2)...
It is my dream. I can have a Linux box within all free software. I installed a Ubuntu on one old computer Thursday. The plan is to let this server has following functions: OS: Linux (Ubuntu) Web Server: Apache 2.0...
Create a Forum, or BBS, is easy for now. But to keep it clean and away from spam is more difficult. To take care of the PHPBB, I use it for G2Soft Supporting Forum, I add some plugins on it....
To protect the forum powered by PHPBB, I install another mod on it. Humanizer 1.1.0
I just updated PHPBB yesterday. Because of so many spammers on the Internet. They keep register on my forum and left the porn site links or spams. I hate them. Sometimes I changed the configuration that only admin can active...
I update math worksheet generator yesterday. Some new features: * One-Digit or Two-Digit. If you choose two-digit, you can setup the max number you want. * Addition, subtraction or mixed with addition and subtraction. * You can choose to print...
I programed a web version of math worksheet. Just addition and subtraction. My elder daughter, Grace, is Grade 1. She is learning addition and subtraction within two figures, up to 10. Grace can do more than what teacher requested. I...
To create PDF file by PHP, you need some basic information. I record it here. Page Sizes in PostScript Points Paper Size – Page Width – Page Height Letter – 612 – 792 Legal – 612 – 1008 A0 –...
Zend Google Data Client Library is released on Oct. 31, 2006. It is a new GData API for Php developer. It provide a simple standard protocol and writing data on the web. For example, Google Base, Calendar, Blogger, and CodeSearch...
Now it’s time to upgrade your Ubuntu 6.06 to 6.10. There is no free shipit for 6.10. And it is not a Long Term Support (LTS). You can download it here. Let’s see some new features implemented in Ubuntu 6.10....
When I am back home to check the mail box, I got the package of Edubuntu 6.06. Actually I already installed the edubuntu 5.10 and upgraded to 6.06. My daughter, Grace, likes to play some games included. The game can...
I received Ubuntu 6.06 and Kubuntu 6.06 shipit packages today. They are all mailed from France. I am in Canada. I made the order on 2006-05-18. This time the live version and install version are in one CD. To use...
2013/08/29 Update: Google shuts down Picassa for Linux in early 2012. Download links are removed. Now we can use the free picasa in the Linux. There are three package can be download Free Download (.rpm) – for Red Hat/Fedora/Suse/Mandriva x86...
There are a lot of new users registered just for put advertisement on my bulletin board. I hate them. It is very complicated to delete these users in the default administrator site. I search the MODS-Database on PHPBB.com. The following...