PHP connect DBF file update
I posted PHP connect DBF file with a sample. Now Pierre left the message and asked why error comes up. I doing some tests and get the answer. 1) The database.dbf is reserved name. 2) The field name is always...
Tech geek. Life geek.
I posted PHP connect DBF file with a sample. Now Pierre left the message and asked why error comes up. I doing some tests and get the answer. 1) The database.dbf is reserved name. 2) The field name is always...
I have some site on the Dreamhost. To monitor the traffic and performance, I have Awstats on site and runing many cron jobs every day. I have the experience of how to install AwStats on the Ubuntu server. The cron...
To repare the corrupted MyISAM tables, just cd to the directory that holds the MyISAM datafiles, then run this: $ myisamchk -r -q table_name If it doesn’t work, try this command, $ myisamchk –safe-recover table_name The above two commands can...
MySQL is very popular. Many open source or free software use MySQL as their main database engine. To make our data safe, please remember to backup your data regularly. There are two methodologies you can use to back up MySQL...
I have a HTTP status check online tool here. It is made by PHP with cURL extension. The trouble is some responses are good. Someone tell me that the url should be 302 redir or 200 Ok, but the tool...
I am noticed that one strange folder name on my hosting. MM_CASETEST4291 It is an empty folder. After some search, I found it is a temporary folder which is used to test server connection and writing permission. MM_CASETEST4291 is created...
When I am doing some programing, I may need the Regular Expression rule to validate the data user submit. It is used to protect the program and save the resource of server. To write a perfect Regular Expression Rule is...
The following IP Ports and Protocols are excerpted from Networking Fundamentals. Port number – Protocols name 20 – File Transfer Protocol (FTP) data 21 – File Transfer Protocol (FTP) control 23 – Telnet 25 – Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)...
I have a Ubuntu installation on one of my desktop. I am not a expert of Linux, but I like the spirit of Linux. Free and Open. I alway get the tips, referrence, howtos from these top 10 Ubuntu Blogs....
Now I have the brand new installed phpBB 3 forum. In the final step of installation, I click “proceed on to convertor” to start converting the phpBB 2 to phpBB 3.
Now I will go through all steps to upgrade phpBB 2.0.22 to phpBB 3. I use Dreamhost to host my phpBB forum. The forum I upgrade in this sample is http://forum.g2soft.net To upgarde a phpBB 2 forum to phpBB3, I...
CNET reports that Sun Microsystems is about to buy MySQL AB, developer of open source database management system MySQL, for 1 billion dollars: $800 million in cash for MySQL’s privately held stock and another $200 million in options. Mashable also...
DBF is very old format databse type. About 10 years ago, I use dBase which use DBF format. Now I will show you how to connect the DBF file from PHP script. 1) Add a system DSN in ODBC Data...
I have the text string as below: 04/02/08 It is text. Format is mm/dd/yy But it is still can be recognized as yy/mm/dd or dd/mm/yy. How to convert to the ISO date format? I use PHP to do it.
The 404 error or Not Found error message is an HTTP standard response code indicating that the client was able to communicate with the server but either the server could not find what was requested, or it was configured not...