Install Ubuntu from USB disk
I am planning to install coming Ubuntu 9.04 on my Netbook, Acer one. You know, Acer One netbook does not have CD-Rom. I don’t have USB CD-Rom either. So I have to use an USB disk to do this job....
Tech geek. Life geek.
I am planning to install coming Ubuntu 9.04 on my Netbook, Acer one. You know, Acer One netbook does not have CD-Rom. I don’t have USB CD-Rom either. So I have to use an USB disk to do this job....
Ubuntu will release 9.04 in three days. I will upgrade my Ubuntu box when it is really released. Now I would like to go through the ne features of Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu 9.04 includes the latest GNOME 2.26 desktop environment....
I installed a Ubuntu 8.10 last Friday for Grace. Actually, it is Edubuntu. That means install Ubuntu 8.10 desktop version on PC first. Than install Edubuntu add-on on it. There is a lot of software for free. Free to install,...
I went to Costco store yesterday. Just a quick look at the PC department. I decided to buy a new monitor for me and my old one will be my wife’s. Then my wife’s 17″ LCD will be used by...
It is failed when I try to include one file of other domain. We call it remote file. The script looks like
Firefox 3.0.7 fixes several issues found in Firefox 3.0.6: # Fixed several security issues. # Fixed several stability issues. # Official releases for the Estonian, Kannada, and Telugu languages are now available. # Items in the “File” menu show as...
To see how Linux CPU utilization, one command is enough.
To enable slow query log, it is have to add one line into my.cnf. I have MySQL installation on a Centos server. It is MySQL 5.0.22 i686. Let’s go through the details of setting of it. Open my.cnf which is...
There is a folder under the MovableType installation. It is used to store the files uploaded. The default is assets_c. Because of I manually setup the .htaccess file to convert all underscore(_) to dash(-). The link or file under assets_c...
To upgrade Webmin, you need a webmin installation on the Linux first. 🙂 Say, from your desktop browser, enter https://yourlinuxbox:10000 It is security connection. Then, do if as below: To have updates installed automatically, go to the Webmin Configuration module,...
I have a web-based program with MySQL database. I need to do a full text search on three fields. How can I do it? Use ‘LIKE’ is very slow, when I need combination of different situation. So I find FULLTEXT...
Every time I upgrade my Ubuntu desktop, a new kernels comes in. Then I have a new kernel and old one will never be used. Time by time. I have 6 or more kernels in the booting list and I...
I use Ubuntu 8.04. It is shipped with GNOME Desktop. Gnome 2.22 now. You may want to read its release notes.
I wrote PHP Optimization to improve performance. Now I have another ten PHP optimization tips for you. 1. Single-quoted strings. Use single quote when possible. It is faster than double quote. If it is string only, just pick single quotes....
When coding in PHP in variety ways, some way is simple, some is not. But there must be one better way that can provide better performance. Here is a list of 63+ best practice to optimize PHP code performances I...