This blog is running fast compared with other blogs I saw, but I rebuild the server and make it even faster.
The Load time of home is decreased from 1.858 second to 1.219 second, or 34%.
The technology used on the new installation listed below:
- Centos 6.5 64bit
- Apache as backend server
- php 5.4
- Varnish as front cache server
- MariaDB database server
- Proftp Ftp server.
The very general steps to rebuild server.
- Backup mysql database and all files of site
- Rebuild Server on VPS panel
- Update packages
- Add EPEL, REMI, MariaDB repo (enable REMI repo)
- Install MariaDB, and run mysql_secure_installation
- Install Apache PHP
- Install PHP modules
- Install Varnish
- Config Varnish to use 80 port
- Config Apache to use 8080 port
- Restore database, and restore files.