It is ordered on I mentioned before the store is normal quality, low price, slow shipping. This battery is for my almost 2 year old HTC Desire HD smartphone. The battery life is the key issue for Android phone.
The original battery has short standby and using time. I have to charge it more than once a day.
So I decided to get a new battery.
Nohon Battery. Li-ion battery for HTC A9191 Desire HD, 1200mAh.
The official site
And look at the back
There is a scratch area, which has passcode. It is used to validate the product on official site, to make sure it is their product.
The capacity of the battery is a little bit less than the original one. It is 1200mAh, the original one is 1230mAh. The difference can be ignored.
The price of this battery is $10.80. plus shipping and handling fee.