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HP 24f Monitor Vesa Mount – 3D printing

I am using two HP 24f monitors side by side. I bought them three years ago at Costco.

Here is the setup look.

My desktop, montiorsThere is a big foot under the monitor. I want to change it and mount it on the bar or something. Then I can save the desk space.

HP 24f monitor doesn’t have standard VESA mounting screw holes. There is an insert tab on the back of the monitor.

I need to print something to replace the 3 above to catch the insert and hold the monitor.

I found it on a website, but I can not find it now. I forgot the original link. If you know it, or you are the original designer, please let me know. I will add the credit. HP_24es_Vesa_75mm_Mount_v1

Here are four pictures I forgot to upload here.


It is a great fit on the back.

Then I found two 2X4 lumber and cut them to the length I wanted, 24cm. The 2X4 is 3.5″ wide, good for the VESA mounting. I pre-drilled four holes on the 2X4. mount the monitor on the 2X4 with 4 screws.

 Also, I got screws from the storage room. These screws are from the Bunk Bed. The real name of these screws is Bolts Nuts Allen Head Screws Barrel Nuts.It is my draft design and the screws. I drilled the holes on the 2X4 and on the desk.

Mount them with the screw.

See, I make a plug as well.

This is the final look. It is clean and clear. Because I use one screw to mount the 2X4 on the desk. So I can turn it.

The key point of drilling the holes in the desk is the distance between the two monitors.

I have two holes here. Because the two monitors are too close. They are fighting each other when I turn them.


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