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Apache OpenOffice 4.1.3 Release

It is almost one year after Apache OpenOffice 4.1.2, which released in October 2015. Now I found 4.1.3 is released on October 12, 2016.

A lot of people said that Apache OpenOffice Project Could End. The main reasons are no enough developer, security vulnerabilities can not be fixed in reasonable time frame.

During past three years, Apache OpenOffice Project released only three maintenance version. The main competitor, LibreOffice has 14 releases in 2015.  Based on the requirement from ASF, at least one release per month is minimum.

I used Apache OpenOffice many years. I can not remember when I switch to LibreOffice. Maybe 2014.

Even I use  LibreOffice for two years. I still hope Apache OpenOffice can continue developing its new version. I believe competition makes a better world, including software we use.


New Apache OpenOffice can be download here. Release notes here.

PS. LibreOffice can be reached at

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