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Men’s Health

Men often neglect their health and well-being due to a lack of awareness, poor health education, or behaviour patterns in their work and personal lives. Men have a reputation for avoiding the doctor, especially when the visit may involve sensitive issues. However, regualr check-ups are a must. They can help screen for diseases that may have no obvious symptoms in their early stages – such as prostate or testicular cancer. Here are some common health concers men should pay more aattention to.

Prostatitis is the term used to inflammation of the prostate gland. A farly common condition, it can be difficult to diagnose. Symptoms include:

Potstate enlargement is a common problem in middle-aged and older men. An enlarged prostate can press against the tube to the bladder(urethra) and interfere with the flow of urine. While not all men with an enlarged prostate have symptoms, some experience the following:

Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer in Canadian men. A man’s chances of developing this type of cancer increase with age, especially from age 50 on. Prostate cancer doesn’t usually produce any signs or symptoms in its early stages when treatment is most successful, so medical check-ps are vital. When symptoms are present, they may include:

Erectile dysfunction is the repeated inability to abtain an erection firm enough for sexual intercourse. This is a very common condition, and there are a number of highly effective treatments.


Testicular self-exams

Testcular self-exams are an important part of a preventative health plan. Many testicular cancers are first discovered by self-examination that identifiers a painless lump or an enlarged testicle. Because testicular cancer is most common in younger men, males should begin to perform this simple test while still in their teens. By performing it each month, they will become familiar with the normal size, shape,and weight of their testicles and the area around the scrotum, which will make it easier to identify any changes.

The best time to perform this self-exam is after a bath or shower, when the scrotal muscles are warm and relaxed.


The above is digest from London Drugs pharmacy flyer.

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