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Still using MovableType

I said Goodbye to MovableType almost six months ago. And transfer almost all my blogs from MovableType to WordPress.  I said “almost”, because there is still one powered by MovableType 5.2.

To keep having a MovableType installation as a blog is to keep a connection with MovableType. I still like the static publishing feature of it. 6A changed its license from time to time. I hope it can change back to its very beginning.


Anyway, back to my blog. The blog is

Movable Type Pro version 5.2.7 with: Community Pack 1.95, Professional Pack 1.75

6A still has MovableType release for personal use. It released MovableType 5.2.10 on its Japan site. So I upgrade my blog to the latest one.


Agree the to download and using MovableType for Free.

Download link of MovableType 5.2.10

Please note the following information to use the software

Movable Type 5 を法人や個人事業者で利用する場合、
有償の Movable Type を購入された場合、ライセンス登録から1年間、技術サポートを受けることができます。
また専用のクラウド環境にインストールされた最新版のMovable Type をそのままご利用いただけるクラウド版 Movable Type 「Movable Type EZ」(有償)の4週間無料トライアルもございます。

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