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How it Looks like Inside of the Kindle Keyboard

Just one drop, from the refrigerator to ground. The Kindle Keyboard is broken.

RIP, my Kindle Keyboard Wifi. From 2011.1.1 to 2012.8.9

See the picture of the front face. Only the very lower part of screen still working. Page number will change, when I press the left or right buttons. All others keep the content, or frozen.


So go to the inside to have a look.

I use these two special tools to open the back. Green one is to open the back cover. The screw driver is a small cross.

Let’s open it.
The inside look when I open the back cover.

You can see the battery is a big on. I removed it.


Now I have remove all small screws from the PCB. Then take it away to shown the back of screen.

How to get a replacement is another story. I will post it later.

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