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Upgrade to MovableType 4.26 successfully

I have not upgrade to 4.25 when MovableType 4.25 released. Because I failed to upgrade my Unofficial MT site at that time.
But I did a wonderful upgrade from MT 4.25 to 4.26. And this blog is based on MovableType 4.24 before upgrade. Now the upgrade it so smoothly. I have the screen shot of upgrade.




It took a long time to upgrade databases.
Let’s see what changes of database.
* Upgrading database from version 4.0068.
* Upgrading table for as_ua_cache records…
* Upgrading table for ActionStreams::Event::Meta records…
* Upgrading table for profileevent records…
* Upgrading table for TrackBack records…
* Upgrading table for TrackBacks records…
* Upgrading table for IP Ban records…
* Upgrading table for Object Score records…
* Upgrading table for Comment records…
* Upgrading table for Entry records…
* Upgrading table for Asset Placement records…
* Upgrading table for Field records…
* Upgrading table for Comment records…
* Database has been upgraded to version 4.0070.
* Plugin ‘Professional Pack’ upgraded successfully to version 1.3 (schema version 1.4).
* Plugin ‘Community Pack’ upgraded successfully to version 1.63 (schema version 1.62).
* Plugin ‘Action Streams’ installed successfully.
* Plugin ‘Motion’ installed successfully.
OK. finally, I have the updated MovableType installation.

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