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Install Zend Optimizer 3.3 on Customized PHP 5.2.3

Now PHP 5.2.3 is installed on Dreamhost. If you don’t know how to do it, just refer to my previous post, Install customized PHP5 on Dreamhost.
Let us see how to add Zend Optimizer support on your own PHP installation.
1) Go to Zend official site.
2) Find and download the Zend Optimizer 3.3. You may need sign an account to download it. To install it on Dreamhost, you may choose Linux x86 (32bit) (TAR.GZ) | 9.74MB | 3.3.3 package.
3) I suggest to download it through SSH.


4) Decompress it.

tar xvfz ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-linux-glibc23-i386.tar.gz


cd ZendOptimizer-3.3.3-linux-glibc23-i386

6) We use complied ZendOptimizer so file.

cd data/5_2_x_comp

7) There are two files. is the complied file.

8) Copy this file to the PHP installation folder.

cp ~/jiuan4/php5/lib/php/

Now ZendOptimizer 3.3.3 installation finished.

9) To enable ZendOptimizer, you need to edit your domain’s php.ini file.

cd php5/etc/php5/youdomainname

10) Edit php.ini file.

vi php.ini

11) Go to the end of file, add the following.

; Zend Optimizer options

12) Make a phpinfo() file to test it.
You will see the following screen.

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