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Google Analytics Report

It is the third day. I check the report provided by Google Analytics. The chart looks so clear and beautiful.
After 24 hours collecting visitor information, the report is coming today.
The first one will be seen is Executive Overview.There are four main charts as below:
The Visits and Pageviews show us how many visits and pageviews in the specifiy date range.
The Geo Map Overlay display the visits’ geographic location in the world based on the city.

Visits by New or returning tell us how may visits are new visits by percentage.
Visits by Source organized the visits by referrals. Just tell us where the user came from or how did they find our site.

Marketing Summary is a table shown us that top 5 referral site and top 5 keyword leading visitors to our site.

There are still a lot of advantages I don’t know because of I am a newbie of Google Analytics.
Actually the Google Analytics is an marketing analytic program.
Let us see how Google introduced:
I will underline some and put my personal note in the bracket.

Google Analytics shows you how people found your site, how they explored it, and how you can enhance their visitor experience. Improve your website return on investment, increase conversions, and make more money on the web.( this is the final target)
With over 80 reports, your free Google Analytics account will track visitors through your site, and will keep track of the performance of your marketing campaigns – whether they’re AdWords campaigns, email campaigns, or any other advertising program. With this information, you’ll know which keywords are really working, which ad text is the most effective, and where your visitors are dropping off during the conversion process. Don’t be fooled by the fact that this functionality is available to you for free – Google Analytics is a full-featured, powerful analytics package. ( it is true)
AdWords advertisers can find all of these benefits from within their AdWords account – Google Analytics has been fully integrated with AdWords.(to use Analytics, you’d better use AdWords too) All of your reports and settings are available from the Analytics tab.

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